This is a fun spot-Blog! It's about a lot of things which contrast to serious and important national and international events.

The scrambled eggs part is about - just that! It is for individuals of cooking age - means you can teach the 7 or 8 yr. old to fend for him/herself in the kitchen; and for families because it is meant to be good, tasty from your pantry or leftovers.. It Takes Less Than 20 min from pan to table & with eating (no newspaper) + cleanup about 40 min. or leave dishes in sink for next pile-up cleaning..less than 35 min!

There will be other ideas too! Of course you can add on whatever you want..with your credit.

& other writings will be short stories from experiences as a Registered Nurse; salesperson in family hardware store; the famous 2# box of See Candies Bitta ate in one sitting; Petey, Bluey the Parakeet; Jet the black scarry dog, Sophie-the Montessori trained dog; Collin & Bubba (if OK with him & his parents), gardening escapades, bicycling adventures, London & hospice in 1985; bunch of stuff!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

TODAY'S LESSON: My Love Adventures...Chapter 11


ALack what pouerty my Muſe brings forth,
That hauing ſuch a skope to ſhow her pride,
The argument all bare is of more worth
Then when it hath my added praiſe beſide.
Oh blame me not if I no more can write!
Looke in your glaſſe and there appeares a face,
That ouer-goes my blunt inuention quite,
Dulling my lines,and doing me diſgrace.
Were it not ſinfull then ſtriuing to mend,
To mar the ſubiect that before was well,
For to no other paſſe my verſes tend,
Then of your graces and your gifts to tell.
  And more,much more then in my verſe can ſit,
  Your owne glaſſe ſhowes you,when you looke in it.*

(www.shakespeares-sonnets.com) but try to read out loud. It takes practice - several times, before its whit and beauty come forth....
  Another example of the problems of translation - which after you try, you can read the more modern way, and learn what the richness of vocabulary and grammar can offer any writing from using the original!  The glass is your face-understanding.


Last Night, All I did when Ron walked by for the 3rd time (maybe 4th), was grab his sleeve and say "Here!" in a sort-of, command voice.  He opened his arms, and i could have walked-in; but I'm never fast enough to catch- these efforts, all to quickly their gone! Later, I walked around looking for him, found the Christmas Present left on a table; then found him across the room.  Oh, yea, and while watching and listening to the beautiful "Saint Cecilia Christmas Celebration" lighted candles on head of Saint Cecilia with two escorts in front and in back; Ron had a pretty, young blond next to him.[I had mentioned, in one of my invitations for fun things, that I was female and sensitive to such things!].

After the Swedish Christmas Celebration, I walked over to him, anyway, and just stood there. He kept talking to whoever he was talking to; and his guard, Greg from Oceanside wandered by; pretty much as soon as the group behind Ron and facing me, shook my hand and introduced each other; Ron and his conversation walked away.

For me, failed again (#13 or 14) time. Upset, of course!  Tried to decide to try again - but after above; pretty useless. On both our parts, some of the above is part of a pattern, too well known to both of us.  I left.

He has been more than a little patient, when I asked him to come somewhere, usually public; he does - always.  And dating back to 2002 said; and, at least up until now, "Cathy, you can write anything you want to me.",  I have. My writing has improved tremendously; and now I have an audience -- mostly on FB; but probably elsewhere. He has been most kind and patient over the short, sporadic encounters [Ron wouldn't like that word!], since around 2000. There are too many events to go into here.  I just said this because of two sides to every coin...

Today's Lesson from last night:  While all of the above was going on: Paul came up to me for the 4th time at different events and said "I didn't get to read your latest before coming, what did you go after..?"  Answered "Senate and the attack on Bush tax. I really went after them! Clarified 'Pyrrhic for Paul". Then, Jeff said "That's a pretty watch-band."  I told him it cost $8.00 at Big Lots. That I had several other bands to go with it from a much more expensive watch - stolen because the band only snaps"...showing him how it; and my mind - works:-)! That was after all of us in the audience sang "Silent Night" together; with my new choir voice, people seem to like. Jeff said "It (watchband) is very attractive."

Because, with Ralph, the above, and other friends, I don't act the way I do with Ron. I'm pretty sure I didn't act at all. It wasn't part of my life, so I never thought about it - short and square in body and mind; before Ron came into my life!  Back in October, Brother Mike, Ward Mission Leader, had been helping me perform a family history for my mother and father. This less than 72 hours before "Temple Night". Temple, first time, arrival suppose to be 8:45. I get there at 9:30; and Mike stayed with me until about 12:15 am, as he guided me through the process to have my mother and my father baptized and confirmed. During the time, while waiting, I told Mike, I got lost, couldn't see street signs because of my glasses which are wrong prescription; and besides I had fallen, right the the street, bounced my nose and had a ..."You have a black-eye, and your nose is a little swollen"..I was also a little upset, because I forgot to bring a change of clothes to baptize my Mother - so one of the younger members performed it for me; but Mike made sure I could watch close by! I confirmed my mother; Mike confirmed my father. We spoke of how fast things happened; and that I was unsure of my actions, in the opportunity for Everlasting Life of both my parents. Mike didn't so much reassure me as he did remind me of what Baptism and Confirmation represent to Jesus and every individual, in heaven, on this, and any other Globe in the Universe. We just talked with Mike making sure I was OK and getting to know me.  In the 3 months of membership in LDS, I have learned more about: God, the Father, His Son, Jesus, most recently, The Holy Ghost; The King James Version of the Bible (400 years young-Anniversary)* - because God's word is changed with each translation & with word, language changes** -  and "The Book of Mormon" with "Doctrine and Covenants" and "Pearl of Great Price" - All of which are exactly what they say they are.

Mike saw me through both a very upsetting, emotional and rewarding time. His concern was polite and very much as a friend helping someone in need...or not..because even though politics are a 'no-no'; I have been able to explain, why Both our Founding Documents have Nothing whatever to do with politics: 100% "Religion and Morality" with "Inner Power" of the Individual protected from "External Power" of a government; which happens to be in power, at this moment in history, not only, in America; but also, the World over!  If this kind of government wins-out, the "Dark Ages" are going to look like "A Comedy of Errors", in comparison!! Human Nature is entirely capable of considerable darkness of mind and spirit of each and every individual, walking the face of the globe; - Lucifer, almost looks kind - a deception he is most proud of attracting!!

After the above journey learning about feeling love for another,  Ron is still the most important person to me for all he has done to help me understand the idea of "relationship" which he said, way back; he didn't want any part of because he liked to take off & land whenever and wherever he was needed or wanted to go. I answered that I wouldn't be interfering with that, anyway.  I had been [e-mailing to reader]; writing to us older folk, about many, many things political, international, and loving - pretty much in that order. One time, I knocked on his door, and he didn't have his shirt on - it was a 90 degree day. We hit a silent part of the conversation...he started to, kind of, smiled, his really nice smile...and I realized that I was red in the face!  Some of you may not remember 'red in the face' -- this is not a comparison, complaint, or wrong-thing to any person on any of life's journeys -- just my thing because I was about 63; but did not, by any means consider myself an old maid. Uneducated, but not old!!. I knew from FB, before he changed it, Ron's birthdate. It's quite a difference in numbers...which goes to show, the unimportant nature of numbers; until human nature takes over using them!

Anyway, I knew Ron liked me - not all the way to an encounter, just liked. It is hard to keep to the point because I keep defending my feelings and talking about events to justify my feelings -- never to have a conversation, anything like the above; but with enough, interchanges - non-verbally - to fill a book of its own.

 [Although, Mike is exceptional; but then that's why 'Latter Day Saints'! I get to be one too! And we know what we mean - each individual - of us - in many countries of the world. One LDS called it "The Republic of God" and that is probably correct.  It is absolutely parallel to the founding of the United States of America, some 47 years later, The Mormon Religion.]

The Lesson:  I am who I am, the glass is my face, and my muse is showing such pride, I'm attempting to mend, but with Ron's gifts and graces to show; and my attempts to understand friendship without physical expression of love; mix with maybe(!?); but genuinely, with all the love a caring friend can offer someone, who doesn't always see gifts as love.

* and the lessons become submerged by human nature - not by: "The Way, The Truth, and The Light";
**best example is the word "Religion" - look-up in Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language", then try any Dic. )

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